Life would be very different without coffee.

This page-turner will make you smile — or maybe even laugh a bit.  Decaf-A-Nation is about a massive shortage in the nation’s coffee supply that disrupts the status quo with respect to offshore drilling plans for the Atlantic.  Caffeine withdrawal leads to erratic behavior and surprisingly positive outcomes.  

The story begins when former ATF agent, Marie Alpern, working for Surfers of the Sea, moves to Charleston, South Carolina to represent non-profit interests in protecting the South Atlantic from oil and gas extraction.  She is soon sucked into investigating a suspicious contamination of the coffee supply and the kidnapping of an Italian tennis player.  

Her efforts become intertwined with the lives of many others — a New Jersey attorney who starts off clueless about the environment, a Charleston native who feels displaced by the rising cost of living, a budding young scientist working on tobacco mold, among others.  Unbeknownst to Marie, caffeine shortage leads to personal awakening and catalyzes change.

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